All prices exclude vat and are subject to change without prior notice
We reserve the right to waive the 2% packaging fee at our discretion
Discounts may be negotiated on larger quantities
No goods are returnable unless by prior arrangement with management [in writing] and returned
within 7 days subject to a handing fee. A standard handling fee of 10% will be levied on any
orders cancelled & a 20% handling fee on goods returned within 7 days with prior
arrangement. End of range and clearing items cannot be returned for any reason whatsoever ,they
are sold voetstoets. Under no circumstances will we accept returns after 7 days, even if goods
are not correct, reject etc.
Goods remain our property until they are paid for in full and payment has been verified by
electronic transfers will only be accepted as proof of payment once the amount has been cleared
into our account, this can sometimes take up to 2 days.
Due to the increase of fraud, goods will only be released with a proof payment verified by us.